Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

What is a cookie?
Cookies are a kind of identification files left on the computer by any website. It enables computers to be recognized when the website is visited again.
Cookies help the website remember information about your visit (for example, your preferred language and other settings). It can provide convenience on your next visit and make the site more useful.
Analytical cookies are used on the Pestex Fumigation web page.
Please note that cookies may be used when you visit our website, as most browsers automatically accept cookies. Therefore, if you do not want cookies to be used, you may need to actively delete or block cookies. If you refuse the use of cookies, you can continue to use our websites, but some functions may not work properly.
To change the cookie settings, click the Settings option in your browser, then click the Privacy and Security tab. You can change your cookie settings after clicking the Cookies button.
Pestex Fumigation can change this Cookie Policy when it deems necessary. In cases where the Cookie Policy is changed, it will be valid from the date of change. We recommend that you review the Cookie Policy from time to time to obtain information about the use of cookies.

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