Yacht Fumigation

Yacht Fumigation

Yacht Fumigation

Yacht Fumigation

Fumigation on boats can be done both on land and at sea. Before the application, the fumigation team should definitely use protective equipment such as clothing and masks that provide protection against gas.

Boats or yachts to be fumigated should be covered with special fumigation tarpaulins and impermeability should be ensured. In practice, fumigants that vary according to the material are used. The application period is at least 48 hours and care must be taken that no one enters the application area except our authorized operators from the beginning to the end of this process. After the application, the tarpaulins should be collected by the operators and cleaned after fumigation. The remaining materials after the application should be collected and given to the appropriate waste disposal companies. The yacht or boat on which the application is made should be ventilated for at least 12 hours under normal normal ambient conditions.

The gases used in fumigation can damage the electronics of your yacht or boat. Our experienced and expert agricultural engineers guarantee to complete the fumigation process without damaging your yachts or boats by calculating the appropriate gas selection and sufficient dosage.

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